Monday, July 5, 2010

"There is a God..."

"Plant a seed and see what comes out of the ground.
Find the heartbeat on your baby's ultrasound.
In a few years hear him laughing,
don't it sound like a song?
There is a God, how much proof do you need?"

My precious little man is proof to me that there is a higher being. How did I come to deserve someone so special? :o)

Sleeping comes in small doses around my house these days, but when I am able to "sleep, perchance to dream," my dreams are straight out of an acid-trip! I guess it's because I never really get into that lovely period of deep sleep anymore, and rather spend what little time I do sleep in the R.E.M period, where most dreaming takes place. Well, I had a pretty rough dream last night. Have you ever had a dream that feels SO real, and when you wake up from it, you feel compelled to drop to your knees thanking God that it really was just a dream? I had one of those last night. All I will say is I miss my husband. It's only been a week, how can I be handling this so poorly? Before Rick and I got married, we spent a lot of time apart. Our colleges were separated by a nearly two hour drive, so we only saw each other on the weekends, and sometimes not even then. Then, when we moved in together and got married, he went to Ft. Sill and then Ft. Lee, so we were apart for five months. We did see each other periodically when I would travel to Virginia for a few days, but we still lived away from each other. I should be used to this by now, but after 5 1/2 years together, I feel that it's only getting harder each time we have to face a separation. And now we have our precious Fischer. I have to be even stronger now, for his sake. Well, if there were ever a reason to not feel sorry for myself, he is the one.

I can't believe how fast he is growing! Everyone tells you that, and I am doing my darndest to enjoy every single second I have with him, no matter if he's wailing or smiling. Which, by the way, he is smiling SO much now! I love it! When he smiles, it is the most amazing, perfect, better-than-chocolate-and-cheesecake-combined feeling in the world! I can't wait to hear him laugh, I know it will be just as perfect.

Onto fashion! :o)
I LOVE when high-end designers create ready-to-wear lines for stores that are more accessible to the general public. This gives us fashionistas who lack a bankfull of unlimited funds more unique and stylish options, yet we are still able to feel fashion-forward (and pretty dadgum special) because we're wearing Matthew Williamson, for example. Matthew Williamson created a tropical inspired line for H&M last spring that was an absolute HIT. I was fortunate enough to snag this special number before they sold out:

That's supermodel Helena Christensen wearing it! Now if you attempt to buy this dress on ebay (my go-to when a particular item I want is sold out) you will pay upwards of twice it's H&M price tag! This is something I'm facing right now for another item I'm pining after; a Zac Posen (from Target!) dress. I saw it yesterday in the store, and had it been available in a size other than an XS or an XL, it would currently be hanging in my closet. Check it out:
It's sold out online, and has been clearanced in the store. Down to $17.50!! Imagine my dismay, however upon finding it on ebay being sold with a starting bid of $69.99! One criminally insane seller is asking $89.99!!! Who are these people?! There is one I found with a starting bid of $19.99, so we will see about that one. All the other sellers asking above that need to be committed!

In the mean-time, here's some Lily Pulitzer-esque sandals available at Target under the brand name "Miss Trish." They are brightly colored, feminine, and perfect for summer. When I saw the pink and green together, I knew they were meant to be mine. :o)
If you have 25 smackaroos, they can be yours, too! Head on over to Target and pick 'em up. It's not like you weren't planning a trip there anyway. Who doesn't LOVE Target?! I think I once joined a facebook group called, "I would get married in Target." Gah, I love that place!

Till next time! :o)

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